Structure Map - Structure Location Editor

Use the Structure Map to edit the structure's location, add optionally add lines and regions to describe the structure.

Open the Structure and then click on the Maps menu item.

Alternatively, whilst on the Structure Details page you can click the Update on map link

The Structure Location Map will open. To begin editing, first click the Edit Location/Geometry button

You then have four ways to edit your structure's location:
  1. Use the drawing tools to add markers, lines or regions
  2. Use your current location to place a marker
  3. Add a marker with Easting/Northing coordinates
  4. Add a line with Easting/Northing coordinates
To use the drawing tools, click on the tool bar and select one of the three drawing tools; marker, line or region (shape)
Proceed to add a marker, for example, to the mapping and then click the Save Changes button.