Inspections - Inspection Scheduling: Develop New Scheduling Scenario

To produce an inspection schedule analysis use the Inspection Scheduling Module. The Analysis Scenarios can optionally be converted to Planned inspections for you to carry out in future years. The Inspection Scheduling module includes both Time-based and Risk-based analysis types.

In the Actions menu click Inspections > Inspection Scheduling (Risk Based).
You will then land on the Scheduling Analysis Scenarios tab. Any existing Scheduling Analysis Scenarios will display in the table below. Click the View link to open up an existing scenario.
Or click on the Develop New Scheduling Analysis Scenario button to begin a new analysis.
You'll need to complete your Authority, Scenario Start Year, then label your scenario with a Title/Notes. Click Develop New Scenario to begin the analysis. This will create three different scenarios for you.
From here you can:
  • Compare the two different analysis types
  • Create a custom scenario with the Altered scenario
  • Add the scenario's inspections to the current inspection programme when you are ready