Structure Files - File Administration

Administer your default folder template, manage document types and sub-folders, edit your file status types and view a file audit log.

To begin, click on the File Admin action menu item.


There are three admin options available to you. Folder Template, File Status and File Audit Log.

The Folder Template lets you specify the template Folder Name, Order, Visibility, a Comment for the folder and whether users can add their own Sub Folders to the home template folders. Click the edit icon  . 

Changes to the Folder Template are applied across all the default folders for all structures.

To add template sub folders and manage the document types associated with each template folder, click on the folder name. A new page will open.

Any existing template sub folders will display in a grid at the top. Click the New Template Sub Folder button to add a new one to the template hierarchy.
Adding new template folders to the first level of folders is currently banned.

Document types can also be managed from here. Use the New Document Type and Delete Document Type buttons for this.

Document types are applied to the home template folders and are inherited by all subsequent sub folders, be they template or user defined.