Risk Based Inspections : Current Condition Score

To view a structure's Current Condition Score first open up the Structure's RBI Information.

The current condition score is selected from the table below based on the Condition Performance Indicators (CPI) for an individual structure, i.e. CPI
Av (All Structure Elements) or CPICrit (Worst Critical Element) whichever is lower, established during the most recent General Inspection. The analysis can also be undertaken for a group of structures with similar characteristics, for which the current condition score is based on the CPI of the structure in the worse condition in the group.

CPI values of less than 40 are not permissible under the RBI framework. In these cases it is recommended that the maintenance needs of the structure should be identified (if not already known) and duly addressed.

Unknown CPI values are not permissible under the RBI framework. In these cases it is recommended that a General Inspection is scheduled and undertaken so that the relevant information may be obtained prior to carrying out an analysis of any structure(s) with unknown CPI values.

The interpretation of the CPI Range shown below was adopted from the Guidance Document for Performance Measurement of Highway Structures, Part B1: Condition Performance Indicator [8] and is contained in Appendix A.









































































































































































































































































Current Condition Score



CPI Range



CPIAv (All structure elements) 



CPICrit (Worst Critical Element)



90 ≤ x ≤ 100 















80 ≤ x < 90 















65 ≤ x < 80 















40 ≤ x < 65 









0 ≤ x < 40 





Not Permissible: Appropriate maintenance is required