To view a structure's Principal Inspection Interval adjustment factor first open up the Structure's RBI Information. The Principal Inspection Interval adjustment factor, F PII, takes account of the current and/or proposed Principal Inspection Interval. The Principal Inspection Interval adjustment factor can be calculated using the equation below: F PII = PPII/6 years
Where F PII = Principal Inspection Interval adjustment factor
PPII = Proposed Principal Inspection Interval in years (between 1 – 12 years)
The analysis should be initially undertaken for the time-based 6 year inspection interval to determine the current level of risk. Based on the outcome of the initial analysis the inspection interval should be increased/decreased or maintained as appropriate and the resulting level of risk for the second run of the analysis be calculated accordingly. This should enable risk profiling to be undertaken that compares the time-based inspection intervals to the risk-based inspection intervals.
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