To view a structure's Socio-Economic Importance Score first open up the Structure's RBI Information. If deterioration or damage remains undetected and subsequent appropriate maintenance activities are not identified and undertaken, it has potential to impact on social and economic factors relating to the local and wider community, e.g. accessibility to community services, business deliveries, access to leisure facilities, etc. These are important considerations and can lead to adverse public opinion and "bad press" if not managed accordingly.
The Socio-Economic Importance Score is used to evaluate consequence in terms of:
• Inconvenience to the community due to diversions, delays and restrictions.
• Inconvenience to businesses due to diversions, delays and restrictions.
These effects can be difficult to quantify but it is considered that there is a close relationship between these and the route supported by or crossed by the structure.
The Socio- Economic Importance Score is therefore selected based on the route supported or adjacent to and the obstacle crossed by a structure.
When the analysis is undertaken for groups of structures with similar characteristics, the route supported by and obstacle crossed by the structure that has the worse condition in the group should be used.
Route supported by or adjacent to the structure
Unclassified, Cyclist and Pedestrian
B and C Class Road
A Class / Principal Road
Obstacle crossed by the structure
Waste Ground/disused/non-navigable watercourse
B and C Class (local access / distributor) Road and Business Premises
Navigable watercourse and A Class / Principal Road
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