Searching for Structures

To search for a structure click on the Open Structure item in the Actions menu. This is under the Structures menu item. From here you will be able to open individual structures for viewing and editing.

This screen allows you to see a list of all your structures, which you can open any one of them by clicking on their name.

A faster way to locate a structure in the list is to make use of the filters. The filters allow you to search by Structure Name, Identifier, Owner, Authority, Structure Type, Stock Type, Is Highway and Ward/District. You can also filter using combinations of all of these categories.

When using the Name category you don’t need to enter the full name of the structure, just enough of the name so as to limit the list.

For example, if you are looking for Bonesgate Stream Access Bridge. Simply enter the word bonesgate into the search criteria field and click Search. The list will then be reduced to only those structures containing the characters you have entered.